Marco Console - First steps

Learn from our team on how to take your first steps in MARCO’s console. MARCO console is the management portal for all your resources within MARCO’s Low-code platform and No-code applications ecosystem.



  • Introduce yourself and MARCO as a Low-code platform. 
  • Then introduce the video, as the webapp to manage some of the key resources of your MARCO ecosystem
  • Explain resource hierarchy (use reference to AWS or Azure Consoles). Organization>Projects>Identity and Access Control 
  • Cover some of the key resources:
  • MARCO Applications (or MARPPS)
  • Service Accounts
  • Smart Contracts management (Templates and Instances)
  • Wallets and MARCO Claud Wallet (We might want to have the architecture diagram in a slide for this part.
  • Explorer and explorer manager 
  • Ledgers and Nodes Use our out of the box blockchain networks ready to use or integrate your own under demand.
  • Customize and expand MARCO functionality:
  • Plugins: SAML Plugin as an example